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Automatically secure your web applications with AWS Firewall Manager organization wide
Managing Access Control Lists for a large and especially growing number of web applications in your company can be a daunting task. By using the
How companies work in the cloud in compliance with the GDPR
Author: Freerk Ohling, Solutions Architect at Alice&Bob.Company GmbH Data protection presents companies with many challenges, but the cloud helps with compliance with standard services. Today,
Admission Controller 3
This is the last part of our blog post series in which we describe a Gatekeeper implementation with templates and constraints over several clusters. As
Alice&Bob Company achieves RDS SDP
We are very happy to announce that we are a verified AWS partner in the Amazon RDS Service Delivery Program (SDP). Sounds great, but what
Admission Controllers Part 2
Admission Controllers Part II – Gatekeeper, an Admission Controller as Substitute for Pod Security Policies. As mentioned in the first blog post, PSP will be
Admission Controllers Part I
Admission Controllers Part I – Why do you need an Admission Controller, and how to start finding a good solution for them. A lot of